A Heartful Life

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How I Boost My Energy

We are all looking to have more energy. We want more energy to get through our day and to complete the things we want to. We also want to be able to take part in things that fill us up. Low energy is one of the main concerns I see people coming into the clinic for. Whether it’s their only focus or one of the things on their list, it pops up often.

First, I want to say that it is extremely important to talk to your naturopathic doctor about your energy concerns. In some cases, further investigation is necessary and personalized treatments are extremely valuable. In this post, I simply want to share what I have done in the past personally for fatigue and low energy. For your own specific treatment plan, chat with your ND. If you have questions about going to see a naturopathic doctor and what it entails, let me know.

Ways I boost my energy

1) Sleep

I never prioritized sleep in the past. When you’re a student for so long, sleep is one of the first things that go. Now that I’m not in school, I notice how much of an impact sleep truly has on me. It’s less so about the hours of sleep, and more about the quality and the consistency of sleep. This also includes my sleep routine. If I’m watching TV right before bed, you can bet that the next day I will be tired. No matter how early I actually sleep, it is important for me to turn off the TV 30-60 minutes before bed and slowly get ready for bed. On a good day, there will also be some yoga stretches, instrumental beats and a good book. I also love turning on my Himalayan salt lamp (mine was a gift but I’ve linked a similar one here) and either using a diffuser or topically applying essential oils. Doing these things consistently has had the greatest impact on my sleep and energy. Having that good sleep really sets me up for having more energy the next day. It also means I can wake up earlier, get some time for myself which helps me manage anxiety throughout the day better. Read more about night time routines here.

2) Consistent meals

I am notorious for skipping meals when I’m busy. I have a strangely fast metabolism, so I get hungry often and yet I still skip meals when things get chaotic (not on purpose). When I ignore those hunger cues, I pay for it with my energy. When I am eating 3 meals a day - balanced with the 3 macronutrients (carbs, protein, fat), and making sure I avoid foods that I know aren’t good for my body, I feel significantly better. Having nutritious and balanced snacks on hand when on-the-go helps my energy levels stay consistent as well.

3) Drinking water

The simplest of things is drinking enough water. When I wake up in the morning I try to drink a huge glass of water to replenish myself, and then continue to drink water throughout the day. I find that this helps not only my energy, but also my mental clarity. Sometimes I will put berries or lemon or cucumber in my water to make it more exciting. Other times I have Pellegrino because I think soda water can a be fun treat sometimes. I’m not perfect with water. I have days when I suddenly realize how little I’ve had to drink, but I do my best and that’s all you can really do.

4) Going for a walk

When I feel really out of it, the last thing I want to do is exercise/move. But going for a walk is like medicine to me (it actually is medicine! #naturecure). I think being in the fresh air really helps and moving my body can help release some stagnant energy. I usually listen to a podcast while I’m walking - I try to pick something motivating. Check out my 6 favourite podcasts post if you need some inspo. Walks also help me switch my mindset into something more positive. Because of quarantine, I’ve made daily walks a priority. I have a route that I love and I get some time in the trees and that just boosts my energy in the best way.

5) Taking care of my mental wellness

This is so important. The times when I am consistent with things that help my mental health are the times I feel the best and the most energized. This for me includes: journaling in the morning, reading, talking to friends/family, counselling or some other form of therapy, deep breathing and yoga or barre classes (online currently). When I am inconsistent with these, my energy goes in spurts. That’s when I find that I end up being fatigued, cranky and even more anxious. None of which help me get through my day!

So, there you have it. Those are the main things that have helped me. They are simple, but have done amazing things for me. I have tried supplements, herbs, etc. All of those things have been very beneficial as well, but without the foundational things above, it’s hard to really stay consistent with anything else. Of course a yummy earl grey tea or chai tea helps too. I’m not a huge coffee drinker but will have a cup once in awhile if I’’m craving it or I’m extremely tired and need that boost to function.

Something that has also really helped me is paying attention to times when I feel fatigued or low. And then I go back and see - what did I eat? How much did I sleep last night? Is there something on my mind? Have I exercised recently? Have I had some form of movement today? Am I hydrated? It’s almost like caring for a baby (lol). I consider what all the reasons could be for me to be feeling the way I am right now. I’ll backtrack and then focus on which one needs the most attention. Awareness is so key in all aspects of health and wellness. It can empower you to make changes and take charge of your own health. This has been invaluable to me. That’s why I created a wellness tracker. It helps me keep track of everything and reflect on how I’m doing. You can download your (free) wellness tracker here.

What are your favourite ways to boost your energy? Do any of the above ring true for you as well? Comment below :)

Lots of love.