A Heartful Life
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Helping you clear your skin and become your most radiant self 


Hi, I’m Dr. Khadijah Haji, ND

I am a naturopathic doctor and medical aesthetician supporting women in clearing their acne and becoming their most radiant selves.

I know what it’s like to:

  • feel ashamed of your skin

  • want to cover your acne up with makeup

  • wish you could go makeup-free

  • feel insecure about how your skin looks

  • feel frustrated every time you look in the mirror

  • not feel good in your own body

  • feel anxious & bloated

  • feel overwhelmed with all the wellness information out there

  • to not know how to make a change

I went through all these things when trying to clear my own acne. It wasn’t until I started working on the inside as well as the outside, that I started to see lasting results. Holistic skincare is about nurturing your skin internally and externally. Creating the right skincare routine, getting customized skin treatments, eating the right foods and treating the root cause of your acne is the foundation of healthy skin. That’s what we will do together. I got you every step of the way.

Your health should not impact your ability to feel confident. In fact, you should have the freedom to do what you want, eat what you like, and feel empowered by your health choices.

Working together, we will dive deep into your story, your goals, and your desires. We will create a customized, easy-to-follow treatment plan to get you feeling like your most radiant and confident self.




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Enjoy a makeup-free & confident life

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Live from the heart of yourself. Seek to be whole, not perfect
— Oprah Winfrey



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